Portfolio Management and Research Notes

Portfolio management being a technique of matching components of one’s investment mix with predetermined financial goals. Selecting the most suitable investment options sector wise is what FINORB has specialized into.

FINORB provides overall investment position for the group as a whole or for the individual entity of the group. It also provides consolidated portfolio summary, columnar summary and comparative statement for the Group as well as selected entities in the group. With the help of drill down feature user can reach up to the entry level from the reports.

FINORB helps in selecting various sectors for investments in shares, mutual funds and in other investment options. The outstanding features of FINORB include the allocation of assets sector wise, simultaneously helping in model portfolio creation and comparison of the model portfolio with the actual.

FINORB has a stupendous research module which keeps and stores the supporting research notes (by which decision can be taken for stock picks) and enables the owner to utilize the information for future references and benefits.

Portfolio Management and Research Notes


FINORB facilitates and guides the owner to manage automate their portfolio and get the maximum ROI, through all updated information on a single click, pertaining to less error prone results.

FINORB help us to take decision with the help of reports, showing -

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